ADDIE is a commonly-used acronym for the 5 steps of course design, from the initial planning stages to the evaluative process at the end.
Learn about the 5 steps of the ADDIE process: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation.
A word cloud is a collage of words, often displayed in interesting shapes, colors, and fonts.
To create a word cloud, simply type (or copy and paste) some text into a word cloud generator, such as Wordle. Whichever words are repeated most frequently within the text will be displayed larger and more prominently within the word cloud.
In recent years, educators have come up with numerous ways to use word clouds within their lesson plans.
Here are a few ideas…
Schools spend a lot of time discussing and defining what to expect from their students, but what do students expect from their schools? In order to keep students interested in their learning, it is imperative to think about what students want and what will keep them happy with their learning.
“Leaving To Learn,” a movement dedicated to lowering student dropout rates by keeping students engaged in their learning, has identified 10 components of the learning process that students expect from schools.