Your class has moved online and now that you’re comfortable
with technology, let’s discuss new ways to keep the course engaging for you and
your students.
Here are four EASY and essential tips for making your online
assignments engaging!
If you are looking for ways to improve your e-learning courses, then you’ve surely thought about using videos. People studying online are looking to get the most information in the shortest amount of time, and there’s no better tool to accomplish that than educational video content! In this piece, we are going to talk a bit about five major reasons why you want to start introducing effective video pieces into your e-learning courses (and how to make the most out of them.)
Online learning allows students or professionals to take courses that easily fit with their schedules. It is flexible and easily accessible. With many benefits, online learning still comes with a few challenges. Luckily, these challenges are not insurmountable. Let’s see how you can deal with the 5 biggest challenges.
Did you know that you don’t have to be a student at Caltech or MIT to benefit from what their professors are teaching? All you need is a computer or phone and a stable internet connection, and voila, you are interacting with faculty from any prestigious institution in the world on social media. Let’s take a look at how much e-learning has changed in the last decade!
We’ve come a long way as far as online education is concerned. However, there’s a still long road ahead with many developments to come. One of the major developments on the horizon is Artificial Intelligence (AI). It’s predicted that almost no industry in the world will be left untouched by AI, and Education is no exception.