The ADDIE Model: 5 Steps to Online Course Design


ADDIE is a commonly-used acronym for the 5 steps of course design, from the initial planning stages to the evaluative process at the end.

The 5-step ADDIE process was originally developed by Florida State University for for military interservice training, and since then has been adopted and adapted for use by other training and instructional programs.

Here are the 5 Steps of the ADDIE model:

  1. Analysis – Identify your goals. What do you want your students to gain from the course? Which sections of the material are essential to impart, and which are less essential? What do the students already know, or what have they already covered in previous courses? Do you need to administer a pre-test to assess what they already know? In what sequence should the material be presented? Which textbook will be used, and what method of delivery with you be using?
  2. Design – Use information from the analysis phase to begin designing a blueprint of the course. Determine which teaching strategies, assessment strategies, due dates, and timing will be most effective for reaching your goals. Which topics do you plan to teach each week? Decide on solid, detailed learning objectives that include active verb, such as “identify” “classify” “recite” or “solve” (as opposed to simply “know” “learn” or “understand”).
  3. Development – Create the course materials based on what you planned out in the blueprint: Prepare assignments, assessments, PowerPoint presentations, multimedia, activities, games, blogs, surveys, chapter summaries, chapter outlines, a welcome page, and a rubric. Upload content to your LMS, website or other delivery platform.
  4. Implementation – Carry out your plan and teach the course. Be open to feedback from students (or specifically request it from them) to find out what’s working and what’s not.
  5. Evaluation – Reflect on the course and consider: Did the students reach the goals you set for them? What worked and what didn’t? How can you improve the course for the future?


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