5 Ways to Make Your Class More Like a Game

Picture a teenager bent over a videogame, intent to master Level 99 and conquer the world. Contrast that image with the image of a student trying to master a long list of terms for his class in Anatomy & Physiology. Why is the former student so motivated, and the latter is itching to get away?

Game designers make use of certain elements and strategies that draw players into the game and motivate them to keep on playing.

Read on to find out 5 creative ways to incorporate gaming elements into your course.

Top 10 Learning Techniques: Which Are Most Efficient? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Whether out of habit or by conscious choice, we all make use of various learning techniques when we attempt to store new information in our long-term memory. But not all study habits are created equal; some may be more effective than others, especially when you factor in the amount of time it takes to implement each one.

Researchers have recently characterized 10 learning techniques according to whether they provide high, moderate, or low utility, based on each technique’s relative efficacy, ease of use, and applicability to a broad range of learning situations.

Top 6 Flashcard Creation Tools for College Students

online flashcards

Using flashcards is a popular way to learn new terms or a foreign language. By reviewing your set of of cards over and over again, the information becomes ingrained in your memory so you won’t forget it.

Here are 6 online flashcard-creation tools that let you create your own flashcards, or learn a pre-existing set of cards:

6 Emerging Education Technologies [INFOGRAPHIC]

Educators around the world are always coming up with new and innovative ways to use technology to improve education. After we witnessed so many changes in education in 2013, what’s coming up next?

Which educational technologies will become popular, and when can we expect them to break into the world of education?

This infographic from eLearninginfographics.com outlines 6 emerging educational technologies, including MOOCs, mobile learning, gamification, learning analytics, 3D printing, and wearable technology.

What is Rhizomatic Learning?

Rhizomatic learning is a perspective on learning that has been promoted in the past few years by Dave Cormier, a teacher at the University of Prince Edward Island.

In botany, a rhizome is the term used for the stem of a plant, usually found underground, whose roots spread out in many directions. With this image in mind, supporters of rhizomatic learning believe that learning is a multi-dimensional process that has no defined beginning or end. Learning is a complex, chaotic process, in which each student independently chooses his or her own path.

The rhizomatic learning perspective is based on the premise that teachers cannot possibly know or cater to students’ individual needs, interests, and contexts.