What trends and eLearning advances do you expect to see in 2017? Click here to find out what 14 education and Technology experts foresee as being the “new big thing” in the coming year.
Pinterest, the web-based social networking service that allows users to collect, store, and share images and information using “Pins” and “Boards”, is known for its use in the fashion, arts, and cooking industries. However, the app is not limited to personal and at-home use. Click here for a great Infographic from WorldWideLearn.com on the role that Pinterest plays in the classroom and how Professors and Students can use this great app to enhance their learning experiences.
Google offers powerful tools that make classroom management more effective. In addition, these tools can help teachers promote engagement in the classroom. Take a look at 7 different tools that can turn the classroom into an attractive learning environment. Read suggestions for implementing these tools and see how easily you can make learning and your classroom more engaging!
Check out these two great videos on technology in the 2016 Presidential Election and the effect of social media on the candidates’ campaigns.