When it comes to studying for exams, it’s not about the hours of study but making the study count. Check out this infographic from Study Medicine Europe which contains several valuable tips for exam preparation and helping you prepare for those tests more effectively.
The Ups and Downs of Using the Smartphone as an Educational Tool
Technology in the ESL Classroom
5 Smart Ways to Use the Internet in the Classroom

One of the greatest issues in the contemporary classroom is that many teachers still refuse to embrace technology and make it a part of the education process. Click here for a great article by guest blogger Lori Wade describing 5 ways in which the internet and technology can be used to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom.
Goodbye School, Hello Creative Expression!… Or not?
Enjoying a break from school? Take a look at this great infographic from CreativeMarket.com titled “40 Little Things You Can Do To Break Your Creative Block”. Try out some of these tips and see if you can succeed in releasing your inner brilliance!