How Can Colleges Play a Role in Creating the Next Generation of Global Citizens?

With so many technological devices at our fingertips, the world has become a much smaller place; people of all different cultures can come in contact with each other at any time of day or night, regardless of timezone or location.

Given the diversity of interactions that occur in today’s globalized society, it is essential for people to develop an attitude of tolerance for, and appreciation of cultures, religions, and perspectives that differ from their own.

In an article on, Patrick Blessinger and Olga Kovbasyuk suggest that higher ed institutions should play a role in preparing the next generation of adults to be upstanding global citizens.

Pearson’s School of Thought Series: Simone’s Story

Pearson’s Research & Innovative Network has produced a series of videos entitled “School of Thought” which depict Pearson’s vision for the future of education.

Watch the video below to see how a fictitious Simone takes a MOOC. Simone makes use of 21st-century tech tools and concepts including augmented reality, gamification, geolocation, a dynamic dashboard, personalized learning, and learning analytics.