No matter what your education is, you won’t be able to avoid research projects. You will need to find the information anyway, choose the best ways to find it, know how to evaluate and manage this info, and decide whether to use it for your projects or not. Here are a number of research tips so you can excel in all courses.
Category: Resources
Video Animation in an Online Course
Making the Leap: 7 Tips for New Online Learners
How To Become a Special Education Teacher [INFOGRAPHIC]
Are you interested in becoming a Special Education teacher? Want to find out more about the Special Ed career path?
Check out this infographic to find out answers to all your questions!
Salary information for Special Education teachers, Job Outlook, Why You’ll Love Being a Special Ed Teacher, Stats by State, How to Become a Special Education Teacher, and much more!
Roundup of 10 Online Education Blogs for Higher Ed
49 Ideas for Online Learning Activities
For a resource of ideas for online educational activities, check out the Online Teaching Activity Index from the Illinois Online Network.
The website suggests 49 activities that can be used in either online or hybrid courses, including some creative activities such as Internet Scavenger Hunt, Concept Mapping, Fishbowl, and Socratic Dialogue.