In this fast-paced presentation, Will Richardson suggests 19 bold and innovative ideas for change in education. What do you think of his suggestions? Agree or disagree?
Category: Multimedia
The Dual Coding Theory & Multimedia Learning
Watch this video about the Dual Coding Theory to better understand how combining words with powerful images can enhance learning.
Dual Coding Theory & Multimedia Learning from Cian Mac Mahon on Vimeo.
Infographics as a Creative Assessment [VIDEO]
Infographics as a Creative Assessment by Kathy Schrock
Blackboard & Mobile Devices – Making Your Blackboard Course Mobile Friendly [PREZI]
The Dark Side of MOOCs [INFOGRAPHIC]
MOOCs are all the rage in the world of online education, but is it really beneficial for a course to be Massive, Open, and Online?
Take a look at this inforgraphic from to find out some common concerns about using MOOCs for education.