Category: Key Concepts

What is Instructional Scaffolding?

Instructional Scaffolding

Instructional scaffolding (also known as educational scaffolding) refers to the process of supporting students as they work to achieve educational goals that they would be unable to accomplish on their own.

Just as construction workers add temporary scaffolding to buildings, teachers can use instructional scaffolding techniques to put temporary “props” in place as students “build up” their skills and knowledge. Eventually, once the student has been sufficiently trained, the scaffolding can gradually fade away and be removed.

What is Rhizomatic Learning?

Rhizomatic learning is a perspective on learning that has been promoted in the past few years by Dave Cormier, a teacher at the University of Prince Edward Island.

In botany, a rhizome is the term used for the stem of a plant, usually found underground, whose roots spread out in many directions. With this image in mind, supporters of rhizomatic learning believe that learning is a multi-dimensional process that has no defined beginning or end. Learning is a complex, chaotic process, in which each student independently chooses his or her own path.

The rhizomatic learning perspective is based on the premise that teachers cannot possibly know or cater to students’ individual needs, interests, and contexts.

What is a HyFlex course?

HyFlex course

Which is better – online learning, or face-to-face? Torn between the two? Try a HyFlex course.

A HyFlex (hybrid-flexible) course is a course that allows each individual student to choose whether they want to attend class online or in person. Students can choose their preferred method of learning on a daily basis; they can attend some sessions online, and other sessions in the classroom.

Making Sense of Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Heutagogy

We all know that pedagogy refers to teaching methodologies, but have you ever heard of heutagogy or andragogy?

While pedagogy refers to teaching strategies used for any type of individual (usually children), Andragogy refers to teaching strategies specifically designed for adult learners. The third word, Heutagogy , is the study of self-directed learning.