Tag: Visuals

Benefits of Using Infographics for e-Learning

Modern learning has presented a wide range of new tools and techniques for educators to help foster knowledge and appreciation of knowledge in students of all types and of all ages. The ‘infographic’ is just one of many tools that you can use, so let’s take a look at what you can do with it.

The Study Strategy Guidebook: Techniques that Work with Your Brain

Consider this your official Study Strategy Guidebook. We will cover six proven strategies for mastering the content you are studying in a fun and successful way. We will discuss timing your study sessions, varying your topics, asking higher level questions, using visuals, providing examples, and recalling information. When you work with your brain during a study session, you not only create a greater chance of having a successful study session—by remembering what you are reviewing–but you also engage your brain’s natural curiosity.

5 Smart Ways to Use the Internet in the Classroom

One of the greatest issues in the contemporary classroom is that many teachers still refuse to embrace technology and make it a part of the education process. Click here for a great article by guest blogger Lori Wade describing 5 ways in which the internet and technology can be used to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom.